The Nondisclosure Agreement: Time to Revamp?: Gerald Sauer’s article for Bloomberg Law
Nondisclosure agreements serve an important purpose, but the time has come to reign them in, writes Gerald Sauer, a founding partner at Sauer & Wagner LLP in Los Angeles. When drafted too broadly NDAs can cause harm to those who sign them, and may even violate laws or be unconstitutional, he says.
by Gerald Sauer
The nondisclosure agreement is as American as apple pie. Lawyers can recite Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) terms in their sleep, and nobody would, until recently, have done anything of substance without one.
We now seem to be in NDA free fall. Ex-administration officials write tell-all books; former business partners openly talk about their experiences; and family members air dirty laundry. All of them signed nondisclosure agreements.